Shan Xinghua


  Shan Xinghua, female, Han nationality, born in Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province, Researcher, Doctor of Engineering and Master's Supervisor, obtained the PhD of Engineering of CARS Transport Planning and Management; she has long been engaged in the information system R&D and other key projects related to passenger transport, including railway ticket, passenger transport marketing strategy, revenue management, e-commerce, passenger service, etc. As the technical leader of railway passenger transport IT sector and the technical leader of railway ticket sale and booking system R&D, she is hailed as the "Super Brain" of "" system.

  she currently works as the Deputy Chief Engineer CARS Computing Technology Research Institute and Director of ASP Technology Department. She is also honored as the Leading Youth Talent of CHINA RAILWAY, Technical Leader of CHINA RAILWAY, Senior Member of China Railway Society and China Computer Federation and the delegate of the 19th CPC National Congress.
